Open Soul Meditation Technique, Souln peace, Power of prayer, inner peace, speaking to God, meditate in silence, new dimensions in life, power of prayer, sense of serenity, prayer is incredible, pray for innerself, sense of serenity, meditation, peace by praying, new dimensions in life Open Soul Meditation Technique with power of prayers and speaking to God and meditate in silence with a sense of serenity by praying for innerself to look into the new dimensions in life.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Understanding And Implementing The Power Of Thoughts

Understanding and learning to consciously and intentionally implement the power of your thoughts is a vital and necessary component of accomplishing and achieving your most sought after dreams and desires. On a larger scale it is crucial to human evolution.

Developing a crystal clear understanding as to how the power of thoughts effect EVERY area of your life will serve to provide not only the "desired" outcomes experienced in your physical world but prove to provide you with unfailing and timeless wisdom that will provide IMMENSE benefit toward enhancing your mental, emotional and spiritual growth, understanding, and fulfillment as well.

As you'll soon discover ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in the world happens as a result of the power of thoughts. The predominant thoughts that you think will mold and shape your life with unwavering certainty

Thought is literally the seed that shapes YOUR external world. In fact, it was the first step in creating it!

So let's take a look at the power of thoughts in our human physical realm.

Think deeply about this for a minute. Had Alexander Graham Bell not thought that he could invent a device that would allow you to pick up a solid object with numerous holes in each end, one that you could hear from and talk into, as well as transmit your voice thousands of miles in lightning fast time, you wouldn't have the convenience of, or ability to, pick up the telephone and talk to someone on the other side of the world.

If the Wright Brothers hadn't first conceived the thought that they could create a machine that would allow people to seemingly defy the law of gravity, we wouldn't know what it was like, or be able to, board an airplane with the ability to travel from one side of the country to the other in a matter of a few hours.

Well, you get the idea. :)

The bottom line is, YOUR thoughts are the initial unseen seed that determine the outcomes that you will experience in the physical world.

Just as you plant a seed in the soil, it must surely produce a plant of like proportion to the seed that was planted. If you were to plant crabgrass seeds you certainly couldn't expect them to produce a big beautiful Oak tree. If you plant crabgrass you get crabgrass. If you plant an apple seed you receive an apple tree.

This simple Universal Principle is known to all. Even a young child understands this.

With the above being true, why would it be any different with our thoughts?
It isn't!

That is great news!


Because by developing an understanding of this simple principle, we can then go to work on restructuring and implementing the power of thoughts, (more specifically Your Thoughts) to begin to create Your Life based on your newly found knowledge to begin producing DESIRED results.

Just as you would plant the apple seed and receive an apple tree, whatever thought seeds that you release into the Universe must bring back to you in physical form, EXACTLY what you planted.

It doesn't matter what the situation or circumstance, whether it be health, finances, relationships, etc. The power of thoughts is every bit as creative in health situations as it is with money matters. They are equally as creative and powerful in your personal relationships as they are in any other part of your life.

Your control over the power of thoughts can only be determined by your willingness to accept the fact that it's true and become consciously aware of the thoughts YOU choose to think.

Read More on Power of Thought

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